Paper review: Impact of horizontal geometric design of two-lane rural roads on vehicle CO2 emissions

Engineering, Environment, paper review
The original paper link is here. In this paper, the authors evaluate the impact of horizontal highway geometric design features on CO2 emissions with VT-Micro, a microscopic emission estimation model. The authors believe that too little research thus far has focused on the effects of horizontal alignment on GHG emissions, compared with the number of studies that evaluate the influence of vertical alignment. The authors study a database of more than 16,000 veh-km collected in 2008 on 11 two-lane rural road sections which were divided into 29 homogeneous road segments according to their Curvature Change Rate (CCR). To estimate CO2 emissions, instantaneous speed and acceleration are used as input variables for the VT-micro model. The paper provides geometric analysis, operational analysis, and combined analysis. As for geometric analysis, the study…
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Is it a good time to promote wind and solar power?

Is it a good time to promote wind and solar power?

Engineering, Environment
The increasing awareness of climate change and global warming leads to an increasing number of people who start to pay attention to green house gases(GHG) emissions, especially CO2. Electricity generation as a significant source of CO2 emissions has gotten lots of discussion. Advocating to use renewable energy to replace fossil fuels is one of the main recommendations for cutting electricity-related emissions. Based on the definition given by Natural Resources Canada, “Renewable energy is energy derived from natural processes that are replenished at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which they are consumed… These resources include moving water, wind, biomass, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy.” [1] Among those resources, wind and solar are the most popular ones. Wind and solar energy is always associated with some…
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